Family of three at the beach with fun sunglasses

Savings Account

Join the squad and start stacking cash.

Opening a Members Choice Savings account locks in your membership with our credit union (yay, you’re officially in!) and makes your money start hustling for you.

But First...Peep These Perks
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You’ll be a member

Open a main savings account with us, and you’re officially in! You’ll start enjoying all the perks of being a member.
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Banish pesky big-bank fees

Some banks hit you with monthly service fees if your savings balance dips too low. Not us. We don't 'nickel-and-dime' you.
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Move your money your way

It’s your money and we think you should be able to do what you want with it.
We make it easy for you to save or spend, plus we pay dividends!

That sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?

Savings account benefits for every member

  • All the benefits of a Members Choice Credit Union membership
  • No monthly or quarterly service charges on active savings accounts
  • Unlimited deposits and withdrawals
  • Competitive dividends paid monthly

Have questions for one of our representatives?

Fill out the short form below to hear back within the next business day.

Are you ready to get started?

Open an account as a new member with one of these easy options

Join Online

Apply online now to open your membership account.

Open an Account in a Branch

To apply in person, visit a branch near you.
Current Members Choice members, you can “Quick Apply” for additional savings accounts in online banking or your mobile app. Login, and click on “Quick Apply” in the main navigation then click on "Open an Account, CD or Loan" to get started (you may need to click on the “More” button to view).

FAQs about Savings and Membership Accounts

Thank you for your interest in joining Members Choice! Members only need to live, work, attend school or worship in our field of membership. You may also join if you are employed at a participating organization, have a family member that is currently a member. If you have been a member in the past, you may rejoin. The bottom line is that is is easy to qualify for membership!
One of the perks of being a credit union member is taking advantage of the member-exclusive programs and offers. There's always a way to get more money in your pocket with our ongoing specials and offers.


If not currently a Members Choice member, a $5 deposit is needed to establish membership. All memberships are subject to approval including credit approval.